Fielding Fitness 6 week challenge is limited to only 10 people every 6 weeks

6 week fat loss


“I am here to help you. I will plan every last detail for you, making sure you know exactly what you are eating and exactly what to do in the gym! No more confusion. Only results!

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Fielding Fitness 6 Week Challenge will

Teach you all you need to know to be able to finally achieve your goals

“After working with Chris for many years, attending his Bootcamps and Personal Training sessions, I always struggled to lose the weight I wanted. I would never focus on my calorie intake and never stayed consistent. Because of this, I never made  any decent progress that I could be proud of. I recently joined a coaching programme with Chris for 12 weeks, where he created a meal plan with various options for me to choose from each day (all calorie controlled) so I could track my daily intake. He provided me with a training program also and we checked in weekly, where we made any changes if needed. Having finally had some consistency in both my training and diet, I finally feel I am on the right track to getting to my desired goal. Thank you Chris for all your help and support.”
This time last year, I had an 8 week old beautiful little girl. I started to think about getting myself back moving.
When I look at these 2 pictures I don't see a before & after, I see a body that adjusted to fit a baby inside I am blown away with how much my body has changed in just a year. Women really are amazing!
My fitness journey is very inconsistent if I’m completely honest. Life happens regularly. Sometimes other things come first and even tho I do my best to fit exercise in it isn’t always that easy, what I'm trying to say is just do your best, and keep on trying because doing something is better than nothing and eventually you'll get to where you want to be.
I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the whole team at Fielding Fitness, and a special thank you to Chris for everything you've done for me.”
“Thanks Chris, I’m actually really grateful to you. I’ve done many different courses/plans in the past but I feel like what I've learnt from it this time round I won't just pile it all back on again like I have done before.”

Over 15 years in the fitness industry

I have transformed 1000's of people’s lives from around the globe

I know exactly why you're here. You want less fat, you want to build some lean muscle,

and generally feel fitter and healthier right?!


How soon will i start to see results?

You will see progress within the first few weeks. This is a stabilisation phase so for some people this is slower or faster than others. After 2 weeks it then really accelerates as we learn your body.

Can i still eat out?

Yes of course this can be factored into your plan. As long as you let me know in good time, i can advise you on how to adjust your plan that week.

Can it be combined with day/night shifts?

Yes, the schedules are adapted to your lifestyle. Day and night shifts do not have to have an adverse effect on the result, of course this is taken into account when drawing up the schedules.

Can i still enjoy holiday’s?

Yes, separate strategies are being applied for these trips that will allow you to enjoy your vacations and still make progress.

I can’t take tupperware to work. Is this a problem?

Yes, the coaching is based on macronutrients. This means you are not obliged to eat one product. This makes it possible to eat 'normal' food and still get results.

I don’t like certain foods. Will this be taken into account?

Yes, the coaching way allows you to keep eating as you always did in moderation and still get results.

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